Anna Neimark , Matthew AuSpring 2017

This course forms the continuation of Strategies of Representation 1. It expands on the use of representational tools to emphasize formal legibility through systems of regulation, annotation and scripting. The assignments
focus on building precision and intentionality toward architectural drawing and developing a critical sensibility to the inherent bias in each medium of representation. Students will analyze a letterform, through exercises in constructing, regulating, transforming, projecting, and rendering.
The characters of Le Romain du Roi, developed in late 17th and early 18th century France by the decree of Louis XIV will offer the starting point for drawing and modeling exercise.

Through analyzing a letter-form, exercises in constructing, regulating, transforming, projecting, and rendering are the goals to be achieved. Each exercise required a rigorous method of working with the digital platforms of Grasshopper, Rhino, and Illustrator, among others, to examine and describe geometry, form, and character. Furthermore, an emphasis is placed on developing precision in the representational process through the translation of digital work into physical drawings, as well as developing a sensibility and understanding toward paper tone, texture and printing technologies. ( Anna Neimark , Matthew Au, 2017)