Visual Study 1GA


The Trajectory

Instructor: Matthew Au
Fall 2016

This study looks into forms, methods, conventions and approaches to architectural drawing and representation. Beginning from the fundamentals of orthographic projection, the study sequentially examine the notion of sections and cut drawings, oblique and axonometric projections, and various types of curvature, from simple to complex, in both two and three dimensions.Distinct from strictly mathematical geometry, architecture necessarily presumes three-dimensional form and, in particular, material dimensions. Methods of two- and three-dimensional projection will therefore be absolutely essential. (Matthew Au, 2016)

In the following I shall show how to construct an insturment that can be used to draw a variety of lines, including a serpentine line. This insturment consists of rods which can be turned and twisted or reversed by means of joints which consists of disks. In the center of these disks are the hubs around which the rods can be turned forward or backward in any direction.
-Albrecht Dürer, Four Books on Measurement, 1522